Friday, November 7, 2014

Season of Thanks, Day Seven

Today I am going more traditional.

I have learned much in the last two and a half years. Some things I never wanted to learn. Some things I wanted to learn but wish I could have learned another way - any other way. Some things that I was shocked by. Some things that simply confirmed what I already knew. Yes, I have learned a lot. And I continue to learn.

But what I have mostly learned is that people are surprising. In many ways, good and bad. But sometimes they aren't at all surprising! And that is what I am grateful for today! Those people who have not surprised me!

My daughters, Chrys and Kim, have not surprised me. They have been the exact wonderful, compassionate, strong, loving young women I thought them to be! They have accepted me at my worst moments. My most foolish moments. They have supported me. They have cared for me. They have taken time they really didn't have to "be there" when I needed them - and when I wouldn't admit I did. They have loved me unconditionally. I could not have survived the last two and a half years without them!

My friend Chris has not surprised me. She has been the "friend that sticketh closer than a brother" just as I thought she was. She has consistently called, texted, emailed, sent cards, offered to help, listened to me talk, laughed with me, cried with me, prayed with and for me. She has made sure to carve out time every single week to have lunch with me. She has been a friend beyond compare! I could not have survived the last two and a half years without her!

These three people have been the consistent face, hands, feet, arms, voice of God for me! Tangible evidence that He cared that I was hurting so badly I often did not think I could survive.

Yes, today I am grateful for Chrys, Kim, and Chris. Very, very very grateful!

I love you all! Thank you so much!

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