Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday morning breakfast memories

I woke up this morning wanting breakfast. That doesn't often happen. I don't have a morning appetite. But this morning, I wanted breakfast.

Al loved breakfast and we often went out for breakfast on Saturday mornings, very often biscuits and gravy at Judy's Place. I toyed with doing that. Biscuits and gravy sounded good. But I didn't want to go alone. I've not felt well and been a little weepy this week and I really just didn't want to set off tears. And since all my kids and grands have the flu - poor babies are so sick! - that's what Judy's Place would mean, sitting alone, likely fighting tears.

Pancakes sounded good too. Now that's a Harlan memory. He loved pancakes. Often had them on Saturday morning. We used to laugh that when the kids spent the night on Friday, we often had the same thing for breakfast. He was two hours earlier than I so I'd be all done, he'd text saying he was up and getting breakfast. What was he having? Very often pancakes. It made us smile that we'd had the same thing 3,000 miles apart.

But pancakes it was this morning. With homemade cherry jelly instead of syrup. And it did make me think of Harlan. And Al who loved homemade cherry jelly!

I have been so privileged! I have twice in my life been blessed with loving deeply! Many people never get it even once! They bounce from this infatuation to that one, never knowing the joys - and yes, the heartaches - of truly loving with all their hearts!

Thank you God for blessing me with love!

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