I have mentioned before
that I relate to Biblical Peter.
He was passionate and impulsive.
I am passionate and impulsive.
He was determined, yet often failed.
I am determined, yet often fail.
He struggled with trust and faith.
I struggle with trust and faith.
Yes, I relate to Peter.
My favorite Peter story is his and Jesus'
walking on the water adventure.
that I relate to Biblical Peter.
He was passionate and impulsive.
I am passionate and impulsive.

I am determined, yet often fail.
He struggled with trust and faith.
I struggle with trust and faith.
Yes, I relate to Peter.
My favorite Peter story is his and Jesus'
walking on the water adventure.
Immediately after this,
Jesus made His disciples get back into the boat
and cross to the other side of the lake
while He sent the people home.
Afterword He went up into the hills by Himself to pray.
Night fell while He was there alone.
Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble
far away from land,
for a strong wind had risen,
and they were fighting heavy waves.
About three o'clock in the morning
Jesus came to them,
walking on the water.
When the disciples saw Him,
they screamed in terror,
thinking He was a ghost.
But Jesus spoke to them at once.
"It's all right," He said.
"I am here!
Don't be afraid."
Then Peter called to Him,
"Lord, if it's really You,
tell me to come to you by walking on water."
"All right, come," Jesus said.
So Peter went over the side of the boat
and walked on the water toward Jesus.
But when he looked around at the high waves,
he was terrified and began to sink.
"Save me, Lord!" He shouted.
Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and grabbed Him.
"You don't have much faith," Jesus said.
"Why did you doubt Me?"
And when they climbed back into the boat,
the wind stopped.
~~ Matthew 14:22-32 NLT ~~
There is so much spiritual meat in this story!
Right off the bat, Jesus is taking care of and protecting
His disciples from the enemy!
The feeding of the 5000 had just taken place
and the people, who had begun to desire to make Jesus king,
were likely again calling for his coronation.
Knowing they were not yet strong enough to resist the crowd,
Jesus sent the disciples away
and He dealt with the crowd.
Then Jesus teaches a valuable lesson!
He withdrew and prayed.
Not just because of what He knew was coming,
but for His own strengthening of spirit.
Then, I have talked before about Peter's faith
in stepping out of the boat,
his faltering of faith when he took his eyes off Jesus
and looked instead at the raging storm.
And Jesus' rescue of Peter when Peter cried out to Him for help.
Today, my pastor looked at this story
from a perspective I have never thought about.
He looked at the storm.
God allows storms in our lives.
They don't happen unless He allows them.
But he allows them for different reasons.
There is the correcting storm.
You know, the kind of our own making.
We have made a choice, often sinful or foolish,
but without seeking God,
and a storm has resulted.
We understand these storms,
even expect and, in some ways,
welcome them
because they make us feel like we
have paid for our sins.
Then there is the perfecting storm.
These storms are the direct result of
following God's direction!
We tend to think that we have made a mistake,
misheard God,
when these storms rage.
But that is not the case.
Persecuted Christians through the ages
have experienced these storms.
They are the hardest to understand I think!
The last type of storm is the protecting storm.
These storms are those that save us from something worse.
These storms are also hard to understand because
we rarely know we are being protected,
we only see the storm.
God also allows calamity to show His power.
He saved Peter.
He calmed the storm.
And His timing was perfect.
The disciples had been on the lake,
battling the storm for several hours.
They were exhausted from pulling the oars.
They were frightened that drowning was imminent.
And just when they thought all was lost,
Jesus came walking on the water.
He was right on time.
Not too early.
Not too late.
And He allowed Peter to sink.
But He didn't let him go under for the third time.
Think of it!
The "instant" that Peter called "Save me, Lord!"
Jesus reached out to him!
Right on time!
So storms are part of life.
But if we keep our eyes on Jesus,
if we are expecting Him,
He will be right on time!
Sometimes He will calm the storm.
Sometimes He will carry us through it.
Sometimes He will walk with us back to the boat.
But He is there!
He is always there!
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in Him,
and He helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise Him.
~~ Psalm28:7 NIV ~~
Thank you, Lord!
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