Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dating and the widowed life....

Sometimes I just have to shake my head and snicker.
This being single stuff is hard work!

When I was married and any man "came on to me"
it was simple enough to just say, "I'm married".
I'm no longer married - or anything. . . .
So, now, I'm on my own and have had to learn to say
"Thanks, but no" politely yet firmly when the occasion called for it.
And, for the most part, I have it down pretty good.

Now, since I found being married - or something. . . .
a hindrance to dating, I just assumed that men would too.
Not so!
You may recall that in my advice to lovelorn men looking to score,
I told them their wives and girlfriends really do mind if they date.
I find it necessary to reiterate that tonight!

A while back, I mentioned being asked out to the symphony.
I agreed to go.
Immediately regretted it.
I just wasn't ready.
But, before our date, he let it slip that he had a girlfriend.
Date canceled.

Now, as it happens, this person is also a client
who I have continued to see and talk to from time to time.
I have worked hard to keep our relationship strictly business -
made sure someone else was always present, etc.
He has worked hard to get some monkey-business included.
He finds excuses to call, excuses to email, excuses to stop by.
Today, he put down the pretenses and asked me out again.
I said he'd have to ask his girlfriend.

All that said,
God has had me in "be still and wait" mode for several months.
I am beginning to feel that He is giving me the okay to begin moving.
So, I'm going to give it another shot.
I've agreed, as I said I might,
to go out with one of the men who asked me out last week.
We have a date on Saturday.

He won't be Al.
He won't be Harlan.
I'm still not sure I'm ready - still wishing. . . . 
But wishing is for fairy tales.
And maybe, just maybe,
he'll prove my "all men are pigs" theory wrong.

Stay tuned. . . . . . .

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