Sunday, March 22, 2015

All men are pigs, Part Whatever.....

So I have recently added a name to my
"Not All Men Are Pigs" list.
But, sadly, the balance has not shifted.

This morning, a gentleman,
and I use the term loosely,
who has asked me out a couple times,
and to whom I have politely said "no",
said to me, "Is it true what they say about widows?"
I reply, "What's that?" -
we're at church, after all,
between worship and Sunday School,
it couldn't be what it sounded like.
But it was.
"They're hot to trot!"
I gave him a look that would be the envy of look-givers everywhere,
turned around, and walked away.
I didn't even dignify him with a reply.

Why would anyone, at any time, in any place
think that was an appropriate question
to ask a widow he wanted to go out with?
I just don't get it!

But, it got me to pondering.
I am a born and bred Nazarene.
After Al's death, I began attending a Baptist church with my girls.
It was just too hard to sit in our church alone.
So I didn't.
Nazarenes are Weslyan Armenian in their doctrine.
Baptists are Calvinist.
The primary difference is "once saved, always saved".
And this type of behaviour is why,
in my opinion,
this is a dangerous belief.
Don't get me wrong.
I don't believe it is as easy to lose our salvation
as some churches make it out to be.
But I also believe we can willingly give it up.
God does not force salvation on us
just because we once wanted to live for Him!

The Bible is clear,
even in the New Testament,
that Christians,
that is, followers of Christ,
do not participate in certain behaviours and activities.
For example, we cannot lie.
We cannot steal.
We cannot kill.
And we cannot engage in sexual immorality.
And that includes sex outside of marriage.
There are a number of verses that address this,
but I Corinthians 6:9-10 covers it pretty well.

And so it floors me that people think they can mock Christ,
mock the commitment they made to Him,
mock His great sacrifice by continued,
purposed sin in their lives,
and not lose their salvation!
If we choose to sin,
we choose to give up our salvation.
I am not talking about human nature.
I am not talking about those things we all do inadvertently.
I am talking about those things which we know
displease God and we do them anyway!
Willful acts of sin.
Knowing acts of sin!
"If it's wrong, I don't wanna be right!" acts of sin!

That is not to say Christ will not forgive those willful acts.
He surely will!
IF we are truly repentant!
But repentance is sorrow for what we have done!
Repentance is a determination to never do it again!
Repentance is giving our sinful desires back to Christ!

Now, lest you think I am a prude,
let me assure you,
I am not.
I am very healthy!
And I know it's hard!
And, yes, maybe even harder for a widow
because we are accustomed to affection leading to intimacy.
But it is sin outside of marriage.

And that's all I have to say about that!

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