Sunday, July 12, 2015

All men are pigs - a different twist

I have talked about men being pigs in the past.
I've told stories and I'm going to tell a couple recent ones.
Then, I'm going to twist my perspective.

Recently, I picked up a client at a car dealership.
On the drive back to the branch,
as always,
we chatted about the circumstances
that brought him to need a car rental.
Turns out he was retired and traveling
when his car broke down.
His accent told me he was from the northeast (Boston).
He told me he now called Florida home -
when he was not traveling.
We talked about some of the places he had been,
some of the things he had done.
He has lived an interesting life.

In the 10 minutes it took to get from the dealership
to the branch,
he felt he knew me well enough
to invite me to spend the weekend
with him in Santa Fe.
I disagreed.

A week later,
when he returned his vehiicle,
it fell to me to return him to the dealership.
It seems that in the ensuing week,
he had decided that I was classier than a weekend getaway
and invited me to go on a Caribean cruise with him.
At his expense, of course,
and explained that I wouldn't even have to pack,
he would buy me anything I wanted or needed as we traveled.
I did not thank him.
I simply said "No!"

During that same week,
another man came in and tried to convince me
of the benefits of menage a troi.
I cut him off after the second sentence.

Then, this last week,
I picked up a man who spent the entire drive
telling me how beautiful I was
and how fat his wife was.
To his credit, when he came back a week later,
he apologized since he felt he might have made me uncomfortable.
Ya think?
He then spoiled his apology by reiterating that I was beautiful
and that if I ever needed a friend, to give him a call.
Yeah, friends like that, I don't need.

But these men -
and others like them -
made me think.
I couldn't figure it out.
I hadn't invited the comments.
I wasn't dressed seductively.
I hadn't made leading remarks.
I am careful not to send out "signals".
So why did these men
feel it was appropriate to proposition me,
a stranger they had just met.
I had to know.
So, after the second incident above,
I went back to my branch and asked my co-workers,
all male,
if women really do commonly have trysts with strangers.
Turns out we do.

I find myself quite taken aback.
I know that there are "those" women out there.
But despite our loosened sexual morals,
I just assumed that the vast majority of women
must at least feel like they are in a romantic relationship
before having sex with a man.
And, I still believe that is true.
However, it appears to take much less
for a "relationship" to develop for most women that it does for me.
And "okay" is a frequent enough answer
that men don't hesitate to ask.
It's worth a shot.

I find myself thinking that
not only are all men pigs,
so are women!
And it makes me sad.

I believe that men and women alike have fallen victim
to the lies that satan has set forth,
made the norm.
That purity is antiquated.
That abstinence is not a reasonable expectation.
And the result is that we have become cheap.
We give the most precious gift we have to offer our spouses
to anyone willing to take it.
By the time we find Mr/Mrs Right,
the gift is used and worn,
completely valueless.
As a result, we no longer cherish and honor one another.

A woman needs to feel special,
She wants to be treated like a queen.
But a queen who has moved out of her castle
and into a mud hut
will be treated like the beggar she has become.

A man needs to feel honored
If he is just another sexual partner in a long line,
he does not feel any of those things.
Nor does he feel she is special if she is just one more conquest.

Even if the two marry,
the loss of "only you"
affects the relationship.
I believe with all my heart
that our modern sexual freedom
is the root cause of the high divorce rate.

I want someone to care enough to wait for me.
I want him to protect my reputation.
I want him to protect my spiritual condition.
I want to care enough about him to wait for him.
I want to protect his reputation.
I want to protect his spiritual condition.
I want us to be willing to struggle against our base insticts.
I want us to respect God and each other enough to not be sexually casual.
I want it to be a special, wonderful gift when I give myself to my husband
and he to me.
I want my wedding night to be the fulfillment of our longing,
not just another night.
I think that, really, most women -
and men -
want that too.
They want special.

I know it's hard!
Believe me, I know it's hard!
But God created us and set up His rules
and guidelines to protect us from ourselves.
When did we lose the desire to serve Him more than ourselves?
When did we lose the self-respect that kept us aware
we were worth more than a one night stand?
When did all men -
and women -
become pigs?

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