Friday, May 10, 2024

Sometimes it scares me...

Sometimes it scares me
loving him like I do.
I knew I loved him almost immediately
and as my love grew and deepened
I knew we would become one
as God intends in marriage.
And sometimes that scares me.
Two shall become one
I didn't really understand that
until after my Al's death.
I understood and enjoyed
our bodies becoming one
through physical intimacy,
but I did not understand
or even recognize
the becoming one of our souls
until I died when he did.
I have never been revived.
I am, quite simply,
a different person now,
reborn over time.
So I knew that
should I choose to remarry
there would be a physical
a soul "oneness" taking place.
And there has been.
But can I be honest?
My Al and I were one.
My Lanny Love and his Judy were one.
I thought that would make it different,
that they would always be there,
between us,
as a buffer against true oneness.
I felt both sad and relieved
by that assumed knowledge.
But I was wrong.
In spousal death,
perhaps in all deaths of a loved one
to some degree,
but especially in a spousal death
where by God's decree
the two have become one,
when one of them physically dies
both of their souls die.
And both live on.
One's body is in decay
and their soul in the eternal realm spiritually,
while the other still inhabiting a physical body,
is earth bound and changed by its own death and rebirth -
almost to the degree salvation changes it. 
(I am fascinated by the biblical comparison 
between the marriage relationship
and our relationship with God.
This is one of those times I clearly see it.)
And yet, that oneness remains
in its completed state
in the earthbound, reborn soul.
I am in completed "oneness"
with my Al.
He is still part of the "me" that has become
since his physical death.
My Lanny Love is in completed "oneness"
with his Judy.
She is still part of the "him" that has become
since her physical death.
And so, rather than buffering our "oneness",
rather than making it more shallow,
they are "one" with us
actually deepening the precious, cherished, priceless
"oneness" that we shared with them
and now with one another.
And that is amazingly wonderful!!!
And sometimes, it's exceedingly scary...


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