Thursday, August 21, 2014

Son-shine in the rain

Today has been a hard day.
I'm not sure why some days are harder than others.
They just are.
Today was one of those days.

My day started very early.
Before daybreak.
Long before the alarm.

It has been a weepy day.
Tears several times.

And productive.
A successful interview.
Another interview scheduled for tomorrow.

Now it is evening.
Nearly time for my walk.
And it has looked like rain.
A large, dark cloud hanging over the area.

A few minutes ago it came, the rain.
Pounding on the roof.
Tinging against the windows.

And the sun was shining.

Diamonds falling from the sky!
Sparkling and shining!
A stunning sight!

And it dawned on me.
Rain falls on all of us.
And in the midst of the rain is the Son!
Shining on our lives.
Making something beautiful.

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for the reminder!
Thank You for the comfort!

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