Thursday, August 22, 2024

The circle of life...

My birthday in 2023
fell on the day of the funeral for a dear friend,
my Lanny Love's closest male friend.
It was a beautiful service
full of laughter and tears and God.
It was not the way I wanted to spend my birthday.
But I was thinking about it today for some reason.
Three celebrations of life happened that day.
One of a life ended after a race very well run;
one of a life closer to the end than the beginning;
one of our precious great-grandbaby 
celebrating his first trip around the sun. 
Somehow it seems appropriate.
The circle of life.
Beginning, middle, end.
It's worth noting that new wounds open old ones,
making them sore and tender.
It's that way in remarriage too.
Big celebrations bring a mix of joy and sadness.
It's the circle of life

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