Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Hello there...

I've been mostly quiet the last couple months.
I've noticed some things about my blog stats
that have made me wonder if it was time
to lay this blog, which is a ministry to which I have felt a call,
to lay it aside,
to see where God may be leading.
So I stopped posting.
I found myself still writing blogs in my head
and in my heart.
But I wanted to be sure it was God leading,
Him saying, "I'm not done with Gina's Musings yet."
rather than my own love of writing,
my own experiences begging to be shared,
my own public diary "habit" playing with my mind.
So I waited.
I prayed.
And nearly two months since my last post before today
I feel His persistent nudging that He is not done.
I think there will be some changes,
perhaps to venue as well as content.
But maybe not.
I just know God's not done with this ministry.
So there you go.
Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel,
“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit,
Who leads you in the way you should go.
                    ~~ Isaiah 48:17 ~~

Happy Anniversary...

Anniversaries for widowed people are difficult for their friends.
Even for those who have themselves walked widowhood.
I never know how to acknowledge it.
"Happy anniversary" isn't right,
they aren't "happy" 
because their anniversary partner isn't here.
Ignoring it isn't right,
that makes them feel even more alone
like their spouse has been forgotten by others.
Acknowledging it the way you did last year isn't right,
each year is so different.
Last year's comfort
is sometimes this year's salt in the wound
and vice versa.
As time goes on,
the day may even finally pass by unnoticed,
and a reminder may be unappreciated.
And yet, one wants the door to remembering conversation
open wide if they choose to walk through it.
Don't make them knock,
they probably won't;
and don't push them through if they don't want to go.
So what is a person to do?
This year,
this is my only acknowledgement.
I'm thinking of you, my Love,
I'm praying that this day is filled with
    sweet memories,
        secret smiles,
            sad happiness,
                and profound gratitude for the years you shared
as you commemorate the day.
 I remember the days of old; 
I meditate on all Your works; 
I muse on the work of Your Hand.
                ~~ Psalm 143:5 NKJV ~~