Remarriage from widowhood.
What a confusing decision!
What a sometimes all-consuming process.
What an important, life-altering choice!
Do I risk loving again?
Do I accept being alone and, like Paul,
learn to be content in my circumstances?
Just like grief, though similarities exist,
each journey is different in the decision to date and remarry.
Each person makes the decision that is,
in their experience and with their knowledge,
best for them.
Once the decision is made,
the resulting journey may again have similarities,
but each journey is, once again, different!
The emotions are different!
The experiences are different!
The personalities are different!
If you are in that process,
my heart reaches out to you!
I have a fellow widow friend
who had a wonderful marriage,
fun, happy, and loving.
In some ways, her journey through grief and dating
is similar to mine.
She kissed a few frogs,
a couple of them poisonous.
After more than a decade,
she has decided that
she is happy to remain singleunless God drops Prince Charming into her lap
and writes on the wall that "this is the one!" with His finger.
It is the right choice for her.
I have other friends who,
for reasons unknown to me because they are fabulous women and men,
want to find their chapter two mate and can't even find a date.
They do the right things,
but no nibbles.
They wonder if they aren't young enough
or pretty/handsome enough
or thin/buff enough
or smart enough
or...whatever enough.
That's not it!
They are all those things and infinitely more.
They wonder if God has forgotten them,
why He gives a mate -
or if not a mate, contentment as a single -
to others and not to them.
There is no answer to those questions outside of God
who usually keeps them to Himself.
Still others desire to remarry,
meet the man or woman
that God intends for them quickly
while some spend long years seeking before they find God's intended.
Some have happy, easy chapter two marriages
while others find remarriage filled with difficulty.
Most who remarry seem to fall in between.
I myself find myself in the first category of marriages.
My marriage is delightful, love-filled, and easy.
Though I walked a bumpy path getting there,
once I stopped trying to do things at my speed and in my way,
God moved quickly and amazingly.
I love my life!
Why am I so blessed while others,
likely much more deserving than I,
are still so lonely?
Honestly, I find myself having to be careful.
I am so happy and content that
I want everyone I know to have the same experience.
I plot "fix-ups".
I internally object when someone decides to stay single.
I pray for my widowed friends to find great love.
I have to be careful.
God's plan for my life
is not necessarily the plan for theirs
outside of His desire for them to lean on Him,
trust Him,
walk in obedient submission to Him.
I didn't "like" it and I didn't comment on it
because I didn't like it
and anything I could have said about it wouldn't have been helpful.
Because my experience has been different from hers.
And I can't understand the depth of her pain.
My frogs mostly didn't give me warts -
at least none that Compound W didn't remove -
hers did.
Now, several months later,
though it still makes me very sad for her
and for those who agreed with her,
I am glad that, for once,
I didn't challenge her post.
My sadness for her may be legit -
but it could very well be misplaced in God's plan for her life!
For me, the best part of my Lanny Love's and my relationship
is NOW!
Every single day, we love one another more,
cherish one another more deeply,
are more grateful to God for giving us one another.
For me, tomorrow will only be more of the same joy
until God calls one or both of us Home.
My perspective is vastly different from hers!
I know other widows who had frog paths
and who, like me, found Mr. Right and are happy and content.
But that is not everyone's experience.
It isn't my friend's.
I pray she gets my outcome someday!
I pray that someone absolutely, stunningly wonderful
comes along and sweeps her off her feet!
God has made her so amazing
it seems a shame to not give her to someone!
But that is not my decision to make
either in the pursuing or the answering.
Meanwhile, I praise God for my Lanny Love,
for our marriage!
I am so glad I waited for the man described below,
a meme also posted by my friend.
I know!!!
I am very blessed to have been gifted so well!
And I am infinitely grateful!!!