Tuesday, January 28, 2020

January 28 - Seven Years

Today is the day.
The one I prayed against -
and eventually for.
The day my Al stopped suffering.

Every night as I pushed my bed next to his,
I knew it might be the last time ~
the last time I would lay snuggled against him ~
my head on his chest listening to his heart beat ~
the last night I would wait for the next breath.
Every night, I knew it might be the last one.
That Sunday, January 27, 2013,
it was.

I wakened with him on the morning of
January 28
and at 4:59 that afternoon,
cradled in my arms,
just he and I and the angels,
my head on his chest,
his great heart went silent,
the last breath was expelled.
And he was gone.
It was the darkest day of my life!
The anniversary of which I face each year with dread.

But in the wee hours of this morning,
as I sat in my rocking chair remembering,
something occurred to me.
At that very moment,
as Al was slipping into the arms of Jesus,
at that very second,
as God opened the door to Heaven for my Al,
at that precise point in time,
He opened a door for me!

I would not see the door for a long while ~
the veil of grief was too heavy and thick ~
but it was there!
And as God walked me,
carried me,
pushed me,
pulled me,
sat with me through 
the Valley of the Shadow,
He continued the preparation of my heart
for the One He had for my next chapter of life,
preparation begun 
more than a year earlier
with prayer
for a frightened, hurting family I did not know,
a family I learned of through a mutual friend,
a family with a terrible diagnosis,
for a beloved spouse and parent,
a diagnosis I and my children would experience eight months later.

The path to the door would be rocky and hard.
It would have danger points, pitfalls.
But two years later,
I would see the open door
and begin moving steadfastly toward it.

I think perhaps I can look differently now at
January 28.
just as I am now able to look at pictures
and smile,
rather than cry,
revel in the memories,
and rejoice,
rather than grieve,
perhaps I can begin to look at 
January 28
as the beginning
rather than the end.

The Beginning ~
for my Al ~
          no more suffering,
for me ~
               learning who I am,
                    learning that I had a future ~
                         a wonderful future.

God opened a door that day.

I will mourn my loss still ~
for it was the greatest loss of my life! ~
and I miss my first Love.
But I will focus on the open door for both of us,
the joy God has granted both of us,
the healing God has wrought in both of us.

And I will praise His name!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Holidays, reflections, and resolutions

I am shocked!
I really am!
I didn't realize!
How can it be nearly 5 months since I last posted a blog???

I have thought about blogging often.
Have had some great ideas,
things I NEEDED to write and post!
Things I felt God urging me to write and post!
But I've been so swamped!
So busy!
Too busy!
Too busy to pause to do His bidding in an area I thoroughly enjoy - writing,
an area that felt selfish to me.
Too busy to take care of the things to which He has entrusted me.
To busy to take care of myself....

I have been doing a lot of reflecting recently.
I am a Christmas junkie!
I love the holidays!
Beginning with Thanksgiving
and going through Epiphany,
I celebrate!

The birth of our Saviour

I celebrate joyously, extravagantly.
But today is January 2 
and I have not yet celebrated.
Oh, I did it all.
All the decorating.
All the cooking.
All the entertaining.
But I haven't celebrated,
I've only done my duties.
I am ready to take down all the lights and decorations!
I don't want to wait until the day after Epiphany
as I always have.
I just want to be done.

This happened to some degree last year as well,
which tells me my decline has been a while coming,
but not like this year!
This year, I didn't look forward to Christmas!
I dreaded getting out the trees
and the lights
and the candles
and the table decorations
and the village
and the fabrics
and the pillows
and the Nativities.....
I was just too tired and busy
to add more to my plate
and Christmas means company
and entertaining
and shopping
and cooking
And I was just too tired and busy.

Now, most of these things that are keeping me so busy
are good things!
I have expanded my roll in our ministry in our neighborhood.
I have worked on strengthening important relationships.
I have been a helper and listening ear to a number of people in crisis.
I have started a new business.
I have busied myself with admirable things.
Because I "should".
But have I truly honored God or my husband in all my pursuits?

I've been thinking about this a lot over the last few months,
how tired and busy I have become.
Too tired.
Too busy.
I've stopped spending quality time with the Lord.
I've stopped giving quality Gina to my Lanny Love.
I've stopped sleeping again.
I've stopped exercising regularly.
I've stopped eating properly.
I've started worrying and fretting more.
I've become impatient and done a lot of "eye-rolling".
My home has suffered as I have gotten busier.
I've stopped doing things just for pleasure,
just because I enjoy doing them.
I've given up a lot of what I enjoy
in order to accomplish what I need to get done.
I have not felt well.
I've gained weight, aged.
This does not please me!
Nor does it please God!

You know, even He rests
and does things for pleasure!
Why, we were created for His pleasure!
And I don't think He has gotten much pleasure out of me this year.

I have two callings on my life!
Only two!
I am to serve God with all my heart, mind, and strength,
and I am to love others!
This is the foundation of all other commandments!
I have given an "appearance" of doing that,
but in reality,
I have put God in the background,
giving Him an obligatory "pat on the head" each day
as I rushed about my "work for the Kingdom".
And the one person that God expects me to love best,
my Lanny Love,
has experienced less "bride"
and more "wife" this year.

Now, I will tell you
that I gave up making New Year's resolutions
many years ago.
Rather, I seek to improve daily
and when I see something that needs improving,
I don't wait for January to work on it!
But it happens that the culmination
of several months of self-reflection
has happened at the first of the year.

So, with God's help,
I am going to work on some things:
on spending quality time with the Lord;
on giving my precious husband more "bride" and less "wife";
on taking care of my health
by making time for healthy diet and exercise habits
and taking some time to rest and relax,
doing things I enjoy -
like writing and blogging -
and less time doing all those things
that "need" to be done!

It's not a New Year's resolution,
it's a God-given direction!
May He find me faithful!

Jesus answered, 
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, 
all your soul, 
and all your mind.’
This is the first and most important command.
And the second command is like the first: 
‘Love your neighbor 
[my husband is my nearest neighbor!]
as you love yourself.’ 
All the law and the writings of the prophets 
depend on these two commands.” 
 ~~ Matthew 22:37-40