Friday, May 10, 2024

Sometimes it scares me...

Sometimes it scares me
loving him like I do.
I knew I loved him almost immediately
and as my love grew and deepened
I knew we would become one
as God intends in marriage.
And sometimes that scares me.
Two shall become one
I didn't really understand that
until after my Al's death.
I understood and enjoyed
our bodies becoming one
through physical intimacy,
but I did not understand
or even recognize
the becoming one of our souls
until I died when he did.
I have never been revived.
I am, quite simply,
a different person now,
reborn over time.
So I knew that
should I choose to remarry
there would be a physical
a soul "oneness" taking place.
And there has been.
But can I be honest?
My Al and I were one.
My Lanny Love and his Judy were one.
I thought that would make it different,
that they would always be there,
between us,
as a buffer against true oneness.
I felt both sad and relieved
by that assumed knowledge.
But I was wrong.
In spousal death,
perhaps in all deaths of a loved one
to some degree,
but especially in a spousal death
where by God's decree
the two have become one,
when one of them physically dies
both of their souls die.
And both live on.
One's body is in decay
and their soul in the eternal realm spiritually,
while the other still inhabiting a physical body,
is earth bound and changed by its own death and rebirth -
almost to the degree salvation changes it. 
(I am fascinated by the biblical comparison 
between the marriage relationship
and our relationship with God.
This is one of those times I clearly see it.)
And yet, that oneness remains
in its completed state
in the earthbound, reborn soul.
I am in completed "oneness"
with my Al.
He is still part of the "me" that has become
since his physical death.
My Lanny Love is in completed "oneness"
with his Judy.
She is still part of the "him" that has become
since her physical death.
And so, rather than buffering our "oneness",
rather than making it more shallow,
they are "one" with us
actually deepening the precious, cherished, priceless
"oneness" that we shared with them
and now with one another.
And that is amazingly wonderful!!!
And sometimes, it's exceedingly scary...


Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Forty-eight years ago this morning
I woke filled with nervous excitement. 
It was my wedding day.
This is the 12th one I have commemorated without him.

We looked forward to our anniversary each year.
We looked forward to the "big one",
The 50th
Because we were so young when we married,
We knew we would have one.

That is the very best thing about baby marriages -
We are still immortal at that point.

I love my Al, still and deeply.
Remarriage does not change that.
Today my heart longs for dinner out,
Whatever surprises we might have for one another,
Anticipation of and planning for
The one coming in two more years.
That part of my heart is sad.

But the bigger part of my heart is filled with joy.
Because while we are physically apart this day,
This 48th commemoration of our lifetime together,
I am filled with memories of love
     And fights
          And excitement at the prospects ahead
               And hopes for the future
                    And dreams.....
And the laughter
     And the tears......
Of a lifetime spent together.

I love the memories!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The music of marriage

I am sitting in his office at the church
just so I can be near him.
It is quiet as he works,
the only sounds coming from the outer office
and my keyboard.
I sneak glances at him often.
My goodness how I love that man!!!
I love watching his face.
He is very expressive.
I enjoyed watching him appreciate me this morning
as I brought him coffee.
I enjoyed watching him be entertained by the dog's morning exuberance.
I enjoy watching him laugh at a funny movie or TV show.
But mostly I love watching him worship.
As he sits at his desk preparing his lesson for Sunday,
I see some of the same elements of adoration
that I see on his face as he raises his hands
in praise to our God on Sunday mornings.
I see wonder.
I see thirst for more knowledge.
I see pondering.
I see understanding.
I see a man after God's own heart.
My heart swells with admiration and wonder
at his greatness!
I think of the song "Something Good" from "The Sound of Music":

...For here you are standing there loving me
Whether or not you should.
So, somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good.

Nothing comes from nothing,
Nothing ever could.
So, somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good.

“Something Good” (Rodgers)
© 1965, Copyright Renewed, Williamson Music Company (ASCAP) c/o Concord Music Publishing.
All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

Very fitting lyrics!
Indeed, I must have done something very, very good!
How God has blessed me!!!
To have the honor of submission and service to,
respect and admiration of
such a man as this!!!
To be loved and cherished and protected by him
as God instructs.
How God has blessed me!!!
How I love that man!!! 
The beautiful music of great love
and joyous marriage...........



Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The night he became my Lanny Love...

Nine years ago tonight
I had my last first date.
Nine years ago tomorrow morning
I had my second-to-last second date,
one that had already been arranged.
We had been "talking" on eHarmoney
for nearly a month when I agreed to meet.
When he asked me for my last second date the following day,
I gladly accepted!
I closed my account that second date night.
I knew, barring something very unexpected,
I did not want to keep looking.
I was pretty sure I had found "the one"
God had chosen for me.
He beat me to the restaurant that first night
and I arrived a few minutes early.
I walked into the lobby of my "first date" restaurant
and there he was in all of his glory,
and it was a glorious sight!!!
He was even more handsome in person
than his pictures reflected.
He opened his arms to hug me hello
and I did what for me was unprecedented,
I walked into his arms and hugged him back.
And though it was brief,
it wasn't even the distant side hug that most receive.
(I'm not a big hugger outside of intimate relationship.)
We shut the place down that night,
talking for three hours at the table
then another half hour or so standing at my car.
It was the single longest first date I had!
We never left the table!
He blessed the food and asked God's blessing on our time together.
And bless it He did!!!

Many of you have heard this story before,
but I will continue to share it.
February 28 will always be a cherished, precious date!
It was the night that changed my life
and made it better than I could ever have hoped or dreamed. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

New jewelry

I bought myself a new ring.
It is a piece of jewelry I have been thinking about for several years.
I didn't think of it in the beginning,
but at about the second year of remarriage.
At first I wished I had thought of it in the beginning,
but I wouldn't yet have fully appreciated
or understood the meaning of my new ring.

When my Al and I were dating
and it was apparent that we would marry,
his dad used to warn him:
"If you marry her, you're marrying her family!"
 And he was right.
I also married his.
I thought about that when my Lanny Love and I
knew we would marry,
particularly in light of the fact that,
as we discovered with our official engagement,
not all our children were happy about it.
I began to think about what my late father-in-law's statement really meant.
You see, my family was not normal.
He wanted to be sure that my Al understood that
his marriage to me
meant a deep relationship with them.
In all of their...different-ness.
He wanted to be sure he understood
that our marriage would be affected
by each of our relationships with my family.
And it was.
My Lanny Love and I became one on our wedding day.
But it wasn't the same as when he married his Judy
or I my Al.
We each spoke words of love and commitment 
    to one another.
We also each spoke words of love and commitment 
    to the children we were gaining.
And we each spoke words of love and a promise to remember
    my Al and his Judy.
Yes, my Lanny Love and I became one that day,
but something else happened.
That day, just as he became
"flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone"
in the eyes of God and in my heart,
so did his children.

Can I tell you something?
I do not have step-children!
I don't have bonus-children!
I don't have children-in-law!
I have children!
They are all mine as surely as if I had borne them
and I love them with a fierceness that surprised me!
I began to have a desire to symbolize that
just as I wear a symbol of my love and commitment 
to my amazing Lanny Love.
I would adopt them legally if I could!
But I can't.
In the last several years though,
they have grown to be so much a part of me
that I wanted to do something "formal".
I thought about presenting them with unofficial adoption papers.
It wasn't the right thing.
I began to think about how
Christ Himself relates His relationship to the church -
that's us folks -
to marriage.
(see Genesis 2:24
Ephesians 5
among others)
It began to occur to me.
I truly was married to not just my Lanny Love,
but to his family,
and he mine.
Every. Last. One.
Our children and their families, 
    our grandchildren and their families,
        his parents, 
           our siblings and their families, 
                our aunts and uncles and cousins, 
                    and our late spouses.
About a year ago,
I knew what I wanted.
I wanted a wedding ring.
More than even adoption,
marriage is the joining of lives,
the deep heart commitment to love and cherish
    as my own
        for all of my life,
            becoming one,
                becoming family!
I wanted a symbol of my commitment to all our children
along with the symbol of my commitment to our marriage.
And so I bought a ring.
It was custom made to snug up against my wedding band
and contains ten birthstones:
    two in the center, mine and his;
        down one side, his direct descendants,
            Tiffany, Aleisha, Zach
                and my Lanny Love's Judy;
        down the other side, my direct descendants,
            Steffan, Chrys, Kim
                and my Al.

I have been so blessed!
Wherever you go, I will go; 
wherever you live, I will live. 
Your people will be my people, 
and your God will be my God.
                            ~~ Ruth 1:16 ~~



Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A broken mug

This is a departure from my normal blog.
It has nothing to do with widowhood or remarriage or grief.
Well, nothing to do with grief resulting from the loss of a loved one.
I broke a gift from a dear friend this afternoon.
It wasn't an accident.
I did it on purpose!
Not only on purpose,
I had to try a couple ways to accomplish it.
I am a very animated person.
I speak with my hands.
I speak with my tone.
Even when my voice isn't involved, I am expressive.
I speak with my eyes.
I speak with my body language.
I speak with my face.
I am the whole speaking package!
My Lanny Love laughs at me and often says
"You're not a poker face!"
My closest friend in the world next to my Lanny Love agrees.
A while back, she bought me a gift mug that said:
"I cannot be held responsible for what my face does when you talk."
She thought it was funny.
I thought it was funny.
We laughed and laughed at the appropriateness of it.
I giggle every time I use it.
This morning, I used my mug
I did not giggle.
I dislike passive_aggressive behavior.
Just tell me what you feel,
say it to my face.
If you feel like you will look unreasonable,
But don't tell me you're angry
with passive-agressive behavior.
Turns out I don't like it any better in myself.
I receive a quarterly hormone pellet insertion.
TMI, I know.
Yes, I have done the research,
yes, I know the risks.
Just like in the "old" days -
or should I say "young" days -
there comes a point a week or so after
when I am moody and may possibly 
lean toward the unreasonable for a couple days.
I know it's coming and I prepare myself for it.
I have, thus far, managed not to say anything I have to apologize for later
during those few days.
But this morning, though I spoke in my practiced
"sweet as pie" voice - when I spoke -
I pulled a passive-aggressive stunt.
You see, I wanted something last night.
Sleep didn't change my want.
It didn't change my Lanny Love's acquiescence.
And it didn't change my attitude.
So I hauled out my cup.
I made sure to drink left-handed,
which I often do anyway,
but today I did it on purpose so the words would show.
My Lanny Love probably knew I was not my normal self this morning,
but I'm sure he had no idea I had dug that cup out
juuuuuust for him.
And I'm sure he didn't know why.
That's the thing about passive-aggressive behavior.
It's ineffective.
Nonetheless, I used that cup all day long.
It really isn't a good "sipping all day" cup
because of it's size,
and I thought about getting a different one
every time I had to microwave my coffee.
But I didn't want to let my cup go,
or my moodiness,
or my irritation,
or my "take that-attude".
So I used the too-big-for-sipping-but-good-for-nursing-a-grudge-mug...
and the microwave.
Yep, it really is as ridiculous as it sounds.

I am currently reading
I cannot recommend this book highly enough! 
Anyway, there I was, reading along and sipping my tepid coffee
and suddenly The Holy Spirit spoke.

You can't be held responsible for your behavior?
You really can't?
You can't control your impulses at all, my wayward child???
Is it only your face you can't control?
Is it only those muscle reflexes?
And is it really funny that you don't wish to be held responsible?
Is is really funny that you use 
"I can't help it, I'm expressive, It's who God made me"
(Sounds a whole lot like Adam and Eve, doesn't it?)
as an excuse to treat the gift I gave you poorly,
even in an underhanded, passive-aggressive way?
Is that really funny?

Turns out it isn't!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you, I couldn't get rid of that mug fast enough!
It suddenly made me sick to my stomach to see it, touch it.
Quite literally!
I dumped the coffee and threw the mug in the trash compactor
crying "forgive me, Lord!!!"
I hit that compact button to crush the cup praying
"Crush that spirit within me that causes me and You such shame!"
I listened for the pop of the broken mug.
No pop.
I raised the compactor.
There lay my completely unharmed mug.
I hit that button again and prayed,
"Break it, Lord, crush it!!!"
No pop.
The still, quiet voice.
YOU must shatter it, my child.
I will not take from you what you are not willing to give.
I fished that symbol of my carnality out of the trash,
went to my little tool box for my little hammer,
out to the patio where that hammer and I went to work!
I broke that mug!
Shattered it!
Along with my nasty attitude!
It's not the first time I've been contrite before God
because of my attitude or behavior
It probably won't be the last time.
But I feel so clean!
I took pictures because I want to remember.
I saved the shattered words as a reminder:
My behavior, my attitude, these are my choice.
Choose wisely!
Thank you, Daddy God,
for Your refining Love!
Remind me often........

 For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver.
                                                ~~ Psalm 66:10 ~~

Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 28, 4:59pm: Chapter 11

Forgive me as I ramble today.
We attended a funeral yesterday.
The widower requested that the soloist sing
but requested that the lyrics be slightly altered:
I can only imagine what it will be like
When [she walks] by Your side
I can only imagine what [her] eyes will see
When Your face is before [her]
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

Surrounded by Your glory
What will [her] heart feel?
Will [she] dance for You, Jesus
Or in awe of You be still?
Will [she] stand in Your presence
Or to [her] knees will [she] fall?
Will [she] sing hallelujah
Will [she] be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine

I can only imagine...
And so on through the entire song.
As the song was played,
I closed my eyes and did my own insertions.

[Verse 2]
I can only imagine when that day [came]
And [he found himself] standing in the Son
I can only imagine
[Now] all [he] will do is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine, yeah
I can only imagine

Surrounded by Your glory
What [did his] heart feel?
[Did he] dance for You, Jesus
Or in awe of You be still?
[Did he] stand in Your presence
Or to [his] knees, [did he] fall?
[Did he] sing hallelujah?
[Was he] be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine, yeah

I can only imagine...
At the time of his crossing,
our daughter was gifted with a vision
of his entrance into Heaven.
"He looked so happy, mama!!"
I can only imagine.....
This eleventh anniversary has been different.
They all are.
Watch for an upcoming blog...
I have not slept well this week,
particularly the last two nights.
I have cried easily about everything.
I have thought of that cute, sweet boy
with whom I fell in infatuation.


I have thought of the handsome young man
for whom affection became love.

I have thought of that devoted daddy,


that doting "Big Papa".

I have thought of that loving, protective, passionate husband
for whom love had deepened and grown
into a thing of great beauty, 
admired and envied by many. 

I have thought of the great man of God
it was my privilege to walk home.

And I have praised God
for the privilege of being his wife.
I have praised God
for the sure knowledge that we will meet again.

But, as it is written, 
“What no eye has seen, 
nor ear heard, 
nor the heart of man imagined, 
what God has prepared for those who love him” 
                                        ~~ 1 Corinthians 2:9 ~~

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Just a few days...

It's just a few days now.
It is in my awareness constantly.
Sometimes front and center,
sometimes in my peripheral vision,
but constantly there.
January 28, 4:59pm

Each year is different.
This part seems to be the same.
Every year the dread begins Christmas night,
really, probably a bit before,
with the remembrance of the "last one".
The awareness begins increasing
until by mid-January,
it is constantly there once again.
Sometimes it is just there, just awareness.
Sometimes it is sadness.
Sometimes it is sorrow.
Sometimes it is full-on grief.
But it is there.
My awareness that his physical presence is gone.
The more I am aware of his physical absence,
the more I feel his un-physical presence,
that intangible "touching" of our spirits.
His name comes easily to my lips.
I dream of him more -
and strangely, I dream of Lanny's Judy more.
(Yes, though I did not know her, I dream of her.) 

The dreams are different now than they once were.
They bother me because in them he is always...
...the odd man out, the observer.
Even when I try, in my dream, to include him,
he is the man on the sideline,
watching, enjoying, but not interacting or participating.
This has been the case since a "vision" type dream
several years ago - a story for another time.
Still, they are better than the nightmares I had
in the early days.

January has always been a hard month for me
because I am a Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) gal,
but the last 12 have been...
there is not a right word
but sad on top of SAD,
That first one in 2013 when I walked him Home
was only a preview of the pain that would come.
And that initial relief for him that he was well at last
was but a preview of the healing that would come to me
in the years to follow.

Grief is different now than it was in the beginning.
Then it was harsh, all consuming, excruciating, unending pain.
Now it is softer, melancholic, bearable.
But it is still grief.

That walking-him-Home January,
he was calmed by my singing.
I sang for hours and hours at a time.
The song that particularly seemed to calm and comfort him
(Link leads to Alan Jackson version on YouTube.)
I find myself humming that song these days...

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Grief in remarriage

Today is January 20.
It is my sister's and brother-in-love's
46th wedding anniversary.
It is the 8th anniversary of the death
of my sweet, young friend's husband.
It is eight days until the 11th anniversary
of my Al's death.
My friend, who remarried a few years ago,
and I were chatting this morning.
She made the comment that she
didn't know how to grieve in remarriage.
She commented that her precious husband
didn't know what to do or say to make it better.
The answer to what can he do is nothing.
Nothing really makes it better.
Like most men, he wants to make it better.
He loves her so much and she him
and he just wants to fix it for her.
But, honestly, the only thing he can do to make it better
is to listen and be there and love her through it.
So how exactly does one grieve in remarriage?
Well, you just do.
That is the answer.
Like all grief, 
    there isn't a right way or a wrong way,
        you just do.
In some ways, remarriage makes special days harder.
"How DARE I be happy when my beloved is dead!"
Here's the thing -
    and I know this sounds cold-hearted but sometimes facts are -
        the thing is,
            if I am not happy,
                if my sweet, young friend is not happy,
                    our beloved first husbands
                        are no less dead.
I cannot imagine that my happiness
would bring anything other than joy to my Al!
There is no honor in misery.
There is no honor in not loving.

I love my Al.
I cannot, and would not, change that.
My Lanny Love loves his Judy.
I cannot, and would not, change that.
Nor would he.
My friend loves her first husband.
I cannot, and would not, change that.
Nor would she.

Grief in remarriage is complicated.
And exceedingly simple.
I love them both.
He loves us both.
She loves them both.
We miss them and sometimes are extraordinarily sad. 
The Bible is clear that we are to love as Christ loves.
That is unendingly,
    without caveat,
        in life, and in death.
My advise to her this morning was to
    feel her feelings,
        talk about her beloved,
Hold him closer for a while.
And at the same time hold her second beloved close.
Because she knows!
She knows the value - and the cost - of great love.
It occurs to me that those who are widowed and remarried
are married to very blessed people!
I loved and honored my Al well in life 
    and love and honor him well in death.
I love and honor my Lanny Love GREAT
    because I KNOW!
I know.............